Monthly WordPress Maintenance
$50 /Month
$540 per Year
(tax not included)
Only Available to websites designed by Tractor Beam (Preferably hosted with Blacksun)
Like all modern software, WordPress (including core files, themes and plugins) is constantly updating to keep pace with internet innovation. Keeping pace with upgrades ensures compatibility with web-based software (like browsers) and increases security, preventing hackers from leveraging vulnerabilities.
Monthly maintenance does not include content updates or troubleshooting of major issues which require redevelopment repair.
- Maintenance completed at the beginning of each month
- WordPress version updates
- Plugin updates
- Theme & template updates
- General inspection of site health
Does Not Include:
- Repair of discovered major issues (will require development quote)
- Content edits / additions
Choose a Payment Plan:
Annual Plan at reduced rate at $45/month | Plans Auto-Renew